Mental Health Effects of Social Media
Although social media offers many opportunities for human connection, it also has the potential to have detrimental effects on mental health. Here are some of the most prevalent ways that technology can negatively impact our lives.
Excessive social media use can lead to feelings of loneliness, depression and other emotional difficulties. It may also have an adverse effect on relationships and self-worth.
Social media can have an immense effect on relationships, from jealousy to insecurity. Couples may compare their online relationships with those of others, leading to resentment and mistrust.
Distraction can be a real issue for both partners, leading them to feel more invested in their social media accounts than the relationship itself, according to Don Grant, Ph.D., psychotherapist and chair of the American Psychological Association’s Device Management and Intelligence Committee. This can make it difficult for couples to have real-life conversations.
A study found that highly compulsive Instagram users had difficulty initiating new offline relationships. This may be because they found online updates satisfying and no need for face-to-face communication felt necessary. This phenomenon, known as “syntopia,” should be taken into consideration.
Social media can have either a beneficial or detrimental effect on your self-worth. While some may use it to increase their social standing, others find that it causes jealousy or insecurity by creating feelings of inadequacy.
When you find yourself constantly comparing yourself to others, your self-esteem can take a hit. You might start feeling inadequate or like others think less of you than you deserve; or that there’s something wrong with you that prevents progress in life or that people don’t think much of you. When this occurs, self-doubt sets in and eventually, depression sets in.
Your language and attitude towards yourself can have a major influence on how you perceive yourself and how you treat yourself. If you find yourself constantly criticizing or punishing yourself, it could cause damage to your mental health and lead to feelings of guilt or shame.
There are ways to combat negative thoughts and make them more positive. One strategy is focusing on your accomplishments and how much you value yourself. Another useful approach is accepting compliments from loved ones with open arms.
Social anxiety
Social media has become an integral part of daily life, with millions logging on daily to stay connected to friends, family and businesses. But for those suffering from social anxiety, using these platforms may exacerbate symptoms and negatively affect their relationships.
Many suffer from social anxiety, the fear that others will judge them negatively or focus on their shortcomings. This fear can manifest itself in avoidance or safety behaviors such as skipping social events or going on dates out of fear if you’re feeling too nervous to go.
Social anxiety can be a real obstacle, and getting help can reduce these behaviors and make it easier to participate in various scenarios. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is an approach that teaches individuals new ways to think about their fears and build self-assurance.
Social media can be a great tool for connecting with friends and family, but it may also have negative consequences. Studies have linked excessive use of the platform with feelings of isolation and loneliness.
Cyberbullying and sleep deprivation can also have adverse effects, including depression – particularly for teens.
Social media can be a major source of anxiety, hopelessness and sadness for many people. Studies have even demonstrated that taking breaks from it may reduce these feelings.
However, these studies have limitations. They typically rely on self-reported data and small sample sizes. Longitudinal research is needed to better comprehend how social media use and mental health evolve over time.