Social Media Platforms for Online Marketing
Social media are mostly interactive media that permit the generation or sharing/ exchange of ideas, interests, opinions, and other types of content through social media networks and online communities. These are usually used by the users to express their ideas and emotions, interact with each other, and to connect and share with others. Social media have been a great help in the marketing of products and services because it helps you to reach out to a bigger market. It is also used as a source of communication and enables people to exchange their views, reviews, feedbacks, news, and opinions.
There are various networking and social media networks that have been developed to facilitate communication and allow people to get in touch with each other. They are mainly based on the internet, free webinar platforms, social networks such as MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Squidoo, Drupal, Blogspot, Tumblr, and HubPages. Most of these networking and social media networks are supported by ad networks and pay per click advertising. Other media networks such as SMS and MMS are supported by short messaging service (SMS) and Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS).
Some of these web-based communities are WordPress, Blogger, Drupal, Blogspot, MySpace, Twitter, Flickr, YouTube, and Wikipedia. WordPress is a blog platform, while blogs can be shared via RSS. Drupal is an open source content management system, while MySpace is a social media site focused on music and image sharing. The blogging platforms of Blogger and WordPress are supported by ads. On the other hand, Twitter is a micro-blogging platform, while YouTube is a video sharing site.
Tumblr is one of the most popular social media sites, which allows users to create and share visual blogs. This is a great tool for digital marketing because it allows you to build brand awareness, create an identity, and drive traffic. Users can save images, blog comments, videos, links, and more. Users can also reblog things that they have posted on their Tumblr account. The visual aspect of this platform allows users to connect and share with others, as well as to establish connections with others who are on the same path in terms of digital marketing and online presence.
On the other hand, social news sites are among the most popular social media platforms. They allow users to share breaking news stories with the world. These types of news include breaking news regarding general topics, breaking business news, celebrity news, and more. Social news sites are popular among teens and young adults who are looking to connect with others who are like them. In addition, teens are increasingly using social networking sites to reconnect with their friends, as well as to establish lasting friendships that last long after the initial social network connection ends.
All in all, the above mentioned social media platforms can help you in many ways whether you are a professional marketer, or a teenager just starting out with a few friends. With the millions of people who are using these free webinar platforms to broadcast their events around the world, it is virtually impossible not to notice. If you are not currently using any of these social networks, I urge you to take advantage of this opportunity today! You never know how valuable a few minutes of your time can be if you take advantage of what these networks offer you.